03 Feb Simple Fermented beet juice (Zakwas, Kvass) recipe and why it is so good for us
When it comes to pro health benefits, not many fruits and vegetables can beat the beet!
Available widely pretty much year round ( easy to store during the winter months ) and very affordable should be a staple in every household. Growing up in Poland, I can remember my parents and grandparents preparing beets in so many different ways from soups, sides to delicious condiments. But one thing that was always present, it was fermented beet juice, in Polish called zakwas buraczany. It was always far more than just a drink consumed daily, it was a very powerful, natural medicine. As an adult and mom I keep this tradition and make this prebiotic elixir on regular basis. I know that nowadays, you can buy it ready at the health food stores but in my opinion nothing can be better than your own, homemade zakwas. Especially that it is so easy to make!
So why this is so good for us? Because beets themselves are a brilliant antioxidant and have a great effect on cancer prevention and fermenting them additionally enhances these properties.
Fermented beets and the juice cleanses and strengthens the blood (increases the number of red blood cells) and is excellent in the prevention and treatment of anemia. Recommended for colds, general weakness and anemia. A must for children and adults weakened after viral infections or after antibiotic treatment!
In addition, beets lower the level of bad cholesterol and increase immunity. Scientists claim that they also improve concentration and prevent atherosclerosis. They are great at deacidifying the body and helping to excrete uric acid from the body (they support the kidneys and cleanse the body).
Fermented beetroot juice naturally improves immunity. It prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and supports the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
In addition, beets contain a lot of vitamins (including A, C and B), as well as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and cobalt. The latter is an essential mineral in the process of creating red blood cells. Red beet juice and fermented juice are recommended for the treatment of anemia, weakness and convalescence after diseases.
Beetroots contain a lot of folic acid, which is invaluable for women during pregnancy.
Zakwas / kvass is also a great energy drink! It clearly gives us energy and strength, strengthens our physical condition and the body’s efficiency.
It is worth remembering that all fermented foods are simply priceless to us and should be consumed everyday. For many years, especially in past few decade the western culture seemed to forget about them but healthy Chinese or Japanese cuisine cannot do without them. Almost everything is pickling there! After all, traditional soy sauce or miso soup are made from fermented soy. Japanese Tsukemonos, Korean Kimchi ( easy recipe here ) and so much more…. Pretty much anything can be fermented and I personally love to experiment and getting creative.
Modern scientists and natural health practitioners around the world increasingly emphasize the importance of eating fermented foods on daily basis. During the fermentation process, lactic acid is produced, which cleanses the body and strengthens the immune system. It is important to introduce fermented foods to our children at very young age helping them to build good habits. I often hear from parents that their children do not want to eat veggies not alone ferments, but I believe that the reason is that they were not exposed to those flavours. My children for example eat everything since they were babies because I was giving them all sorts of foods and exposing them to different flavours.
Ferments are crucial part in our diet if we want to maintain a healthy physique, youth and vitality for many years. The substances they contain help to regulate the bacterial flora in the intestines, support digestion and absorption of nutrients, and reduce the level of harmful cholesterol. fermented foods regulate metabolism and facilitate the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They smooth the skin and strengthen hair and nails. And most importantly, they increase the absorption of iron, giving us strength, energy and vitality.
I hope now you are ready to make your own fermented beet juice and benefit from all the goodness that they offer.
In the video I am sharing detailed step by step o how I make my zakwas. Cheers to your health!